The Mercateam dashboard centralizes a wide range of information related to your use of Mercateam. By clicking on each indicator you'll find detailed information on the subject. Below is a breakdown of these indicators.
The display may change depending on whether or not modules are activated on your site.
Main panel
The number of employees corresponds to active (non-archived) employees on the site. It is not based on contract dates.
Contract monitoring
These averages are calculated for all active employees on the site:
The weighted average (by team size) of the sum of versatility by team. This excludes teams whose versatility have not been entered.
Main box
Sum of skills of employees working on the site :
1️⃣ Employees by skill: total active employees / total declared skills
2️⃣ Skills per employee: total skills declared / total active employees
Contents to view
Total content on which at least one employee needs an update
Number of training courses that have already started (start date later than or equal to today) but have not yet been validated
Training on track
Total number of training courses in progress and not validated, for which the trained employee is active, and for which the start date is less than or equal to today's date, or with no start date and for which the end date has not yet passed.